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Reinforcing good practice

Our Continuing Professional Development events are aimed at reinforcing good practice in spiritual accompaniment and prayer guiding.

We provide opportunities to practise spiritual accompaniment skills with each other and to gain feedback in a supportive environment.

We also offer supervision courses at St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre for those who are already practising spiritual direction.

What to expect

Many people say that the most valuable part of their training course was the observed practice and constructive feedback. We know this is not easy but we offer a supportive atmosphere to re-enter into this model of learning after training. This training is informal, offers new insights into our practice and may even be fun!

Many newly trained spiritual accompaniers find it difficult to gain the experience they need to feel confident in their new role. To this end, we offer the opportunity to accompany one other person for a week and to receive feedback from an observer of several of the sessions. By doing this over the course of a week, there is the opportunity to put into practice the learning day by day so that it is more embedded into their practice.

We draw on the skills and special interests of our JI supporters and associates and share these through online gatherings.

What people say

‘I appreciated his [the facilitators’] down-to-earth nature - and it felt more like sharing experience and thoughts rather than being 'told' how to do these things well.’

‘I enjoyed Steve's [the facilitators’] choice of real practical issues to discuss i.e. not theoretical but rooted in our practice. His honesty of sharing during his presenting modelled a style of depth and honesty for our group discussions, which were consequentially very helpful.’

‘An excellent mix of input and good, fruitful conversation in the breakout rooms. There are several ideas I am taking away that are very useful.’

Meet the


Our team accompany people on their journey with God through life and train others in the art of accompaniment.

Meet the team

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