For university chaplaincies and youth ministries

Our team have been offering weeks of guided prayer (also known as retreats in daily life) to chaplaincies and youth ministry groups for decades and they make a real impact.

These weeks help communities and individuals to grow closer to the God who loves them. We have found that they work particularly well in the context of university chaplaincies.

An opening meeting on Sunday and a close on Friday top and tail the week, with workshops for the whole group and daily individual accompaniment of each retreatant throughout.

Subsidised by the Jesuits and with trained volunteer guides led by our team, these weeks act as an affordable retreat.

Jesuits Retreats in Daily life

What we offer

Weeks of guided prayer

Retreat days

Spiritual accompaniment

What others have to say

‘These weeks [of guided prayer] made a profound impression on those involved and on the whole chaplaincy community. For some, it was the first time they had begun the journey of prayer in a personal way.’

‘I wish that every young person in the country could have the opportunity for a “Retreat in Daily Life” like this, and indeed I wish that every parish could offer this possibility as well.’’

‘I still remember how extraordinary it was to have a whole new world of prayer opened up to me, and to find that my imagination was a spiritual tool rather than a hazard.’

‘I don’t think I would have given up on faith, but I do think learning to practise Ignatian prayer has been the most vitalising part of my spiritual journey in these last ten years. It has also taught me to discern God’s voice and presence and direction, which has been invaluable.’

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