
Generosity, patience, and trying new things

A University Chaplain’s Perspective on A Retreat in Daily Life

Pray As You Go produce a new CD for prisoners

Pray As You Go have collaborated with the Jesuit Institute team to create a new CD for prisoners, to help prisoners to pray in an Ignatian way and to meet with Jesus right where they are.

Jesus was next to me

Giorgia, a PhD student at Cambridge University, was delighted to discover a whole new way of praying during one of our University Weeks of Guided Prayer.

Pilgrims on the journey

This autumn, Steve Hoyland of the Jesuit Institute is working with the Diocese of Salford on a special online prayer series with the theme of pilgrimage and Creation. These themes will be woven together with the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola to form a unique online prayer journey.

Meeting Jesus on the shore

A participant in a University Retreat in Daily Life (led by Steve Hoyland) reflects on how the experience has helped them to explore prayer and feel the compassion of Jesus amidst the worries of life.

Reaching people all over the world

On an unseasonably warm day towards the end of September 2023, fourteen people from around the world, united in one mission, were waking up before the sun rose to meet each other in-person; for many of them, for the very first time. 

The Good News of God’s Kingdom

Stephen Hoyland reflects on a week spent with a missionary community who serve the city of Preston. The Metanoia Project are a Catholic charity for the New Evangelisation, ministering to people of all ages, proclaiming the Word and serving the poor in the Preston area and beyond. 

A Symphony of Prayer

The wonder of prayer is revealed beside the well where we come seeking water: there, Christ comes to meet every human being. (The Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2560)

Playing in the Kingdom of God

Maria Neal of the Jesuit Institute introduces a creative and fruitful way for children to discover God.

Heroic Leadership

Heroic Leadership was the title of this year’s conference, and if ever there was a time for leaders to be heroic it is now.

Windows of hope

The Jesuit Institute’s Prison Project seeks to integrate the gifts of Ignatian spirituality into a culture of rehabilitation. Vron Smith and Sarah Young tell us more.

Finding God at University

We all know that our time at university can be a time of new experiences, intellectual exploration, broadening horizons and making new friends. But what about our faith and relationship with God? 

How does a parish listen to God?

Just like going into lockdown, the process of coming out has brought parishes both challenges and opportunities. The biggest opportunity, I think, has been to reassess exactly what sort of parish God wants us to be going forward.

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