Event information

Suggested Donation: £1300.00 including spiritual direction sessions, accommodation and food.
Hybrid - Online and Residential
Several weeks
Hosted by
Sarah Young - Jesuit Institute

The Jesuit Institute team are pleased to offer this exciting opportunity to experience the full Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius in a combination of prayer in daily life and two residential silent retreats with individual spiritual direction.

Engaging in the Spiritual Exercises in this way offers the opportunity to complete the journey in around six - seven months. Whilst this is an individual journey, those taking part will be companions throughout the experience of the Exercises. The residentials will be at moments when a retreat environment might enrich the prayer experiences at that point on the journey.

The Hybrid Experience includes:

Sat 21st Jun 2025: Opening Day for the Group (online)

Jun – Aug 2025: Weekly meetings with your spiritual director in daily life to prepare for the Exercises.

Wed 13th – Wed 20th Aug 2025: Residential Retreat (6 days) Manresa House, Birmingham

Aug – Oct 2025: Weekly meetings with your spiritual director in daily life.

Sun 26th – Fri 31st Oct 2025: Residential Retreat (4 days) Manresa House, Birmingham

Oct – Dec 2025: Weekly meetings with your spiritual director in daily life

Sat 13th Dec 2025: Final gathering of group online – next step etc.

Please read the notes on the booking form. Places are limited, so early application is recommended, and booking will close once places are filled. During the appplication process, will ask you to request references from two people, i.e. members of your faith community who are able to comment on your commitment to Christianity in your daily life and personal prayer. Information about this will be sent out on receipt of your completed registration form.


