This retreat invites you to clear space in your day for prayer. To make this a real retreat at home, we would suggest you dedicate 4-5 hours each day. Even if the retreat is online this might mean taking some time off work. Why? Because we know it can take some time for you to listen more closely to how God is speaking into your life. If this sounds a bit alarming, don’t worry! Our retreat guides are there to listen to you and guide you in the process.
How it works
You will meet with an experienced retreat guide once a day online for 45 minutes at a mutually agreed time. Your retreat guide will offer you scripture to pray with and prayer exercises, but most of all they will listen to you and help the retreat to go in the direction you – and God – need it to.
There will be an Opening & Closing Meeting with others on the retreat. Knowing that others are on a similar journey can be a great support and source of encouragement.
It was a surprisingly rich experience, well-held and led, containing and freeing, challenging and embracing.
(Feedback from one of our online retreats)