Event information

Suggested Donation: £100
Online (UK time zone)
Several weeks
Hosted by
Sarah Young - The Jesuit Institute

Would you like to save the planet but not really sure where to begin? This extended online retreat in daily life may help you to make a start, and to do so in collaboration with God and with other generous, but equally bewildered people, who desire to do more.

This retreat will span eight months (October 2024- June 2025) and will invite you to contemplate certain realities and experiences to notice better how God is speaking to you personally through them and about them. There will not be any lectures or inputs by experts. Each month, there will be reading and prayer material for you to engage with and savour in your own time. This will be followed by an opportunity to meet online with a small group on the first Tuesday of each month to voice and to listen to each other’s reflections that you might experience ecological conversion that finds expression in action over the course of the retreat.

All you need is a generous spirit towards our Creator God so that, as informed, well-intentioned, prayerful, discerning people, we may allow the Holy Spirit to show us how to overcome our sense of bewilderment and powerlessness before headlines of ecological disaster.

As Christian disciples, we are called to walk forward in hope even if we lack optimism. We only have to read the Gospel to see how this looks. Let us start our retreat by noticing How we are? And, who we are? What is around us? Only after that can we move to looking at how we and all created things exist, stand in the presence of God, and ask how we should respond in gratitude and hope to the Lord.

Times/days: 6-7pm on the First Tuesday of each month, online.

Oct 1st  Introduction to the Retreat

Nov 5th  (Note change to GMT)

Dec 3rd

Jan 7th (Note the exception to the rule – 2nd Tuesday after New Year)

Feb 4th

Mar 4th

Apr 1st (Note change to BST)

May 6th

Jun 3rd

Please note, this programme item will only be offered as a live, online event/course via Zoom - you will therefore need to be able to be online at the time specified to participate.
